Falcons Athletics
Fauquier High School
Girls Varsity Soccer
Team News.
9.0 years ago @ 2:01PM
On May 8 we will be a having a "pink" game to promote breast cancer awareness. We have ordered pink t-shirts for the girls, which we need them to pay for, but the good news is that we got them for just $5.00. This is a great price considering they will have screen printing on the front and the girls jersey numbers on the back The girls will be playing in honor of a cancer survivor, a someone who is battling cancer, or someone they know that passed away due to this terrible disease. They will be making a poster that says who they are playing in honor of or in memory of that night. This is also a fund raising event so we will be collecting donations. We are also asking the girls to bring baked goods so that we can have a bake sale near the entrance to the stadium. I hope that you can make it out to support the team as they promote awareness and raise money for a great cause!
9.0 years ago @ 1:49PM
Our annual fundraising car wash at Blue Ridge Orthopedic has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 9. This is due to the poor weather on our originally scheduled date of April 25. The car wash will go from 9:00 - 3:00 and the girls can sign up for 2 hour shifts going from 9:00-11:00, 11:00-1:00 and 1:00-3:00. The midday shift is always the most popular because Blue Ridge Orthopedic gets Subway subs for the girls! Keep your fingers crossed for good weather!
9.0 years ago @ 2:11PM
We have set the dates for our 2015 fundraising car wash at Blue Ridge Orthopedic. Our primary date is Saturday, April 25 and our back up date is Saturday, May 9 from 9:00-3:00. We need all hands on deck! Blue Ridge Orthopedic is a terrific location to have a car wash and during the busy part of the day we are often washing 5 cars with 2 or 3 waiting in line. In 2013 we raised over $1200 in 6 hours, and last year even though the weather was not the best and our day was cut short by a thunderstorm we still raised over $800! This is the money that we use to rent our practice field at the Athey complex and to buy miscellaneous equipment for both teams, so we need full participation from the varsity and junior varsity teams to make this event a success. Jill Smith of Blue Ridge Orthopedic is kind enough to host the event and always provides A LOT of Subway subs for the girls. Besides raining money we have a lot of fun and many of the girls end up working both shifts! We will start letting them sign up for shifts after Spring Break.
9.0 years ago @ 1:58PM
We now have a make up game scheduled for April 16. That was supposed to be our third team dinner date, so the schedule has changed slightly. The new schedule is -
April 9 (sophomores/juniors)
April 23 (seniors)
April 30 (sophomores/juniors)
May 7 (seniors)
May 14 (sophomores/juniors)
Thank you to Tracy Vance for coordinating our team dinners this spring. Please help Tracy make these remaining team dinners a great team building experience for the girls by volunteering to bring food, drinks, paper products, plastic wear or volunteering for set-up and clean-up. Taco night was a huge hit and Tracy has some great themes planned for the remaining dinners (including a cookout!) so please help out if you can!
9.0 years ago @ 2:43PM
The coaches want to thank all of the girls that put time and effort into our preseason programs, and also all the girls that tried out for our 2015 teams. The following are the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams for the 2015 season:
- Natalie Bennett
- Cassidy Wagoner
- Kamryn Dietrich
- Megan Diehl
- Mia Barreda
- Megan Dietrich
- Heather Boswell
- Laura Cornish
- Megan Enos
- Katherine Trimble
- Kailey Vance
- Claire Beaulieu
- Emelie Boucher
- Rhiannon Begley
- Victoria Kroencke
- Kaylee Lamper
- Erin Jones
- CatiAdele Slater
- Natalie Burns
- Cate Boulter
Junior Varsity
- Kristina Davis
- Sophie McCormack
- Olivia Chirasello
- Jo Quinn St. Ledger
- Molly Riley
- Emily Williamson
- Grace Blanchette
- Mykala Dittmar
- Heather Buckley
- Beth Larkin
- Madelyn Granger
- Sedona Bisek
- Caroline Diehl
- Katie Hensley
- Rebekah Sullivan
- Cameron Vincenzo
- Kayla Wines
- Delaney Jooris
Congratulations girls! We are looking forward to a great 2015 season!
9.0 years ago @ 12:36PM
Girls soccer tryouts will be held Monday, February 23 through Wednesday, February 25. If county schools are any of those days tryouts will be extended as needed. Due to the condition of the fields tryouts will be conducted indoors. The schedule for tryouts is -
Monday - 4:30-6:00 in the new gym
Tuesday - 3:00-4:30 in the new gym
Wednesday - 3:00-4:30 in the old gym
Registration will begin on Monday at 4:00 in the gym lobby. The girls should arrive no later than 4:15 to register. The times and locations for Tuesday and Wednesday are tentative so please check back before then for updates.